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ACT Prep

Getting in the Door

ACTs are one of the keys to your college application. And while your essay is what helps you stand out, your test scores establish your baseline of eligibility. Our tutors have been through this process. And they came out very successfully, being accepted to some of the most prestigious schools in the country. They give students the confidence to get through what can be an emotionally and academically trying time.

We offer one-on-one and group classes at an extremely reasonable cost to help students work quickly on these exams. Students consistently raise their scores and build their opportunities for acceptance.

What Our Tutors Say About Their Teaching Philosophy & Methods

"I view organization and repetition as the two most vital parts of the learning process. Meeting with a student on a one-on-one basis or in a small group allows the student to take a step back, lay out the subject matter, and organize it clearly. This allows the student to digest the material. Once this foundation is built, practice and repetition pull everything together. Since problems arise when a student is missing a "small piece of the puzzle," the process of sorting out the pieces and putting them back together several times builds a student's confidence, and allows him or her to tackle the next set of problems with new tools.

These same elements are also extremely valuable when preparing for the math section of the SAT. Students must not only find a way to organize and understand an immense amount of material, but also be able to recall it when needed. This retrieval of information is a skill best reinforced by practicing numerous problems in each area. Students whom I have been tutoring for the Math SAT have been consistently increasing their scores on the math SAT, usually by at least 100 points."

-Math /SAT / tutor Ph.D. candidate/Teaching Assistant/ researcher

Students have a choice of ACT Instruction from our top-scoring professionals:

  • Private one-on-one tutoring gives you great opportunities to raise your score with very reasonable fees.

  • Group classes are extremely small and affordable. With a group of no more than 8 students, individuals can receive the personal attention they need.

We also include three proctored practice tests to all enrolled students.